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We had met a nice couple many years ago when we lived in Borneo. They had invited us to see them at their hostel in Canada if ever we made it to that part of the world. The husband gave me some tips on how I can promote my own hostel in Borneo. That's how I remember him and I promised to visit them in Canada.

The Beach at Lake Superior

When I first arrived in the United States, I went to the Canadian Consulate in Minneapolis to apply for a tourist visa to Canada but the consulate denied it because I only had a single entry visa to United States. It was only when I got a US passport that I was able to go through the walls of immigration.

Together with TwoMonkeyMe, we drove to Thunder Bay from Minnesota. We couldn't find our friends hostel so we decided to camp at the first campground we could find as it was getting dark. Campgrounds in Canada are just like in the US: very nice and cheap with free stars in the sky that count into the thousands compared to the Hilton's mere 5 stars and expensive rates.

Our One Thousand Stars Accommodation

There are also many campers around that make it very sociable and safer. Camping is just a great experience when traveling around North America. We set out in the morning to find our friend's Hostel. Thunder Bay is a small town so we had no problem finding it in the daylight as there were also signs pointing the direction.

We said hello and introduce ourselves but it seemed the husband could not remember who I was, though he remembered Borneo very well. His hostel is full of souvenirs from Borneo. He is still a nice, friendly guy but getting older ( aren't we all? ). We learned that his wife had passed away. He invited us for breakfast and showed us his property.

Terrance Stanley Fox Memorial, Thunder Bay, Canada

We drove back to the US the next day but stopped along the way at Portage National Park. We hiked to the waterfalls and enjoy the Park's trails and sights. We also stopped in a resort on Lake Superior where TwoMonkeyMe says; her sister mentioned they stayed at when they were kids. We pulled over at all the rest stops to view beautiful Lake Superior and enjoy short hike along the shore.

Portage National Park

It was a nice little adventure. Thunder Bay might not your idea of a holiday but if you're going to Duluth or further, it's worth checking out for a couple of days.


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Visit Albania
Visit Albania
09 oct 2019

Brisani bay in southern Albania will surprise you with the beauty of its nature. You will find the peace that you are looking for.

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